Unlock iOS6 Maps v1.0 D
The hot topic latest iOS 6 iPhone 5 Apple’s New Maps have provided brief introduction our previous post. Many users have complained ab Maps b some have also reciated Apple’s eft. Because everyone knows starng point has many drawbacks b regular work s most fruitful ths. We are list of those people who waits best neglect starng because first step taken by Braves. We have inmed ab Famous Jailbreak Developer “Ryan Petrich“, who has teted yester he has roach Google Maps iOS 6. He also shown Video of maps told have wait App because of some crashes issues. To He has released New “Unlock iOS6 Maps” iDevices get Google Maps iOS 6 supported devices. Unlock iOS6 Maps 1.0 first version of iOS 6.0′s Maps which Enables3D Navigation features devices. Unlock iOS6 Maps D 1.0 step taken by Petrich know Fame. He has created many Famous Useful s Cydia store will not reject efts he only t field relax Apple users. T may reduce permance of iDevices be careful if found any issue regard t n uninstall t.
Unlock iOS6 Maps 1.0 Changes
- Initial Release
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