Saturday, September 1, 2012

Free Download ‘EVA - Virtual Assistant v2.35

[CENTER] ↔ Who should use EVA? If are look an lication provides hands-free operation of phone open s, read reply t messages email, schedule endar events many more functions perm us just voice n EVA right . ↔ If are just look an electronic friend chat n please go of Siri clones. h if want a real virtual assistant has useful functions will life easier n please EVA a try. ↔ EVA has functions 'd expect assistant perm plus some probably re possible. Here a list of some of functions wont find most of competion: ↔ Home Aomation INSTEON. Turn lights liances, open garage door a whole more, voice commands scheduled based location. ↔ Location based reminders. Remind someth based location. ↔ Location based actions. Perm any function EVA based current location. Have EVA aomatily t wife when leave office. ↔ based actions. Perm any function EVA a set ↔ car mode includ wake up phrase ↔ Custom voice shortcs phone lications. s any name want open m us name. ↔ Voice bookmarks favorite b sites. bookmarks any name want open m us name. ↔ Activate just by shak phone ↔ Works Bluetooth Headsets ↔ 's t version : (Updated : Aug 30, 2012) ↔ Video Channel: ↔ ANDROID 4.1 ↔ NOW READS TWITTER FEED (VIDEO) ↔ SELECT CONTACT DEFAULT EMAIL NUMBERS ↔ BLUETOOTH IMPROVEMENTS ↔ MESSAG FEATURES (VIDEO) ↔ INTEGRATION TASKER (VIDEO) ↔ QUICK START HELP MENU ↔ HANDS-FREE READ REPLY FACEBOOK FEED (VIDEO) ↔ SPEAK PROMPT MESSAGE MODE ↔ IMPROVED SCREEN LOCK/WAKE PROFILES ↔ SETNGS PROFILES ↔ EVERNOTE INTEGRATION ↔ MICROSOFT EXCHANGE INTEGRATION ↔ LOCATION BASED ACTIONS, REMINDERS ↔ Required Android O/S : 2.2+ ↔ ↔

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