Thursday, September 13, 2012

Free Download ‘WakeVoice ★ vocal alarm clock v4.0.3

WakeVoice ★ vo alarm clock v4.0.3 ↔ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | Android 1.5 up ↔ Requirements By Download Apk Files | Android s | Android Market | best alarm clock re! Voice recognition, speech synsis, ar... ↔ ↔ ↔ Summary: ↔ Much more than a simple alarm clock, WakeVoice lets interact phone us voice: ↔ - Talk it custom commands stop alarm activate snooze option ↔ - Listen phone tell ab ar, of choice a personalized message while stay warm bed ↔ Details: ↔ Wak up not an easy th ? have found alarm clock needed? ↔ Why not try WakeVoice! ↔ WakeVoice overcome negative aspect associated regular alarm clocks, mak morn funnier less difficult. ↔ idea simple: when alarm rs, just have talk WakeVoice stop alarm activate reminder. ↔ B 's not ! ↔ Once r stopped, i phone's turn talk . ↔ Customizable messages, ar of , of choice (RSS)... choose want hear. ↔ setngs imaginable a clock (programm various alarms over several s, setng names, volume, times...) get WakeVoice, most innovative alarm clock find Android market. ↔ Warn: don't ce 2sd WakeVoice. I not recommended by Google an alarm clock . Furrmore, 'll have issues Android Market updates. ↔ 's t version: ↔ *** ar *** ↔ 're us a daily ar ecast. ↔ Important : don't get country if it not city returned by . instance, use "-York,USA" "Paris,France". ↔ T has NO adversement ↔ /> ↔ ↔ ↔ Download Instructions: ↔ ↔ Mirrors: ↔

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